Pay-Per-Click Management

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With Pay-Per-Click Campaigns

A Handy Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Pay-Per-Click

Pay-Per-Click, or PPC, is a form of internet marketing in which advertisers bid for ad placement and then pay a fee each time their advert is clicked. In essence, it is a way of buying visits to their site, rather than earning them “organically.”

Meanwhile, organic visits to the sites are earned through multiple, complex methods that include SEO, social media, blogging, etc.

Compared to organic ranking that takes an average of 3-6 months, PPC provides quicker results in driving leads, orders, and revenue because ads creation is the primary focus.

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The Benefits of Pay-Per-Click

Today, SME’s have a wealth of digital marketing tools at their disposal, many of which can be done at a very low cost. Pay-Per-Click is certainly one such digital marketing tool, and it’s pretty effective in that:

Pay-per-click ads can take on many forms, but by far the most common is the paid search ad.

Pay-Per-Click PPC

It’s as simple as this: in the first place, when people go online to search for something, there’s still a good chance they’re either about to buy something or similarly considering it.

Search ads appear when people type in a particular term, phrase, or question using a search engine. Of course, Google still commands a significantly bulk of total online search volume. However, other search engines like Bing and Yahoo can still yield some significant results as well.

Thus, thanks to the fact that notably, about everyone has a smartphone, smart assistants and home assistants are on the rise, voice search also gains quite a bit of prominence.


Why Should I Use Pay-Per-Click For My Business?

You’re probably doing some good business right now with what you’re doing. But imagine for a moment: What if you could bring in even more business right this moment? 

If the prospect of bringing in a steady stream of new hot leads (to nurture and convert into sales) for your business greatly appeals to you then PPC is definitely for you.

It helps you, your business, or your brands gain a lot of visibility online real quick. This upsurge in online visibility translates to more high-quality traffic to your website (or landing page), which in turn can be nurtured as leads down your sales funnel, ultimately converting into new business.

With Pay-Per-Click, you can quickly build up:

PPC For My Business

Surprising Facts About Pay-Per-Click You Must Know:

SEO can achieve this exact same thing. Still, it will take you months to rank for the keywords you want, even under the best conditions. We’re covering SEO expressly in a separate article if you’d like to check that out.


How Do I Get Started With Pay-Per-Click?

Now that you’ve decided to do some online advertising, let’s get a few things ready before you dive right in.


First off, get your website or at least a landing page you’re dedicating to your online ad campaign up and running. You’re about to receive a lot of new guests into your home (so to speak), so you want to make sure people are comfortable once they arrive.


Next, be clear on what exactly you’re promoting for this campaign. We suggest you stick to one product or one service for the duration of a particular campaign. Later on, when you get the hang of it, you can run multiple campaigns– each one showcasing a different promotion.


Review your target audience. Do you have a clear idea of which market segment you’ll be reaching out to for this PPC campaign? The more specific you get, the better because it only shows you know your audience.


Prepare a budget. We know you’re excited to run your campaign right away and get going, however for your first campaign set aside a few hundred dollars, maybe around $200 to $500 for your first run.


Know your options. We have a section below on the different advertising networks you might want to consider using for your Pay-Per-Click campaign. Each has its own pros and cons, and each one can be best leveraged towards a particular market segment. 


Start signing up for your accounts. You might choose to do Google Adwords or Facebook ads for now, so go right ahead and sign up for an account. You’ll be given access to a dashboard where you can access your campaigns, study different ad scenarios, look into different market segments, and so on.


Make your projections. Using the info you have on your target audience. Start running a few ad scenarios so you can have an idea of how much you might be spending each day, how many people you will be reaching, and what sort of ad they’d see on their end.


Craft your ads. Whether it’s plain text or a bit of video, images, or other rich media, make sure you come up with something relevant and interesting to your target audience. Remember: frequently, you’ll be competing with other ads too, so you’d want to somehow cut through all the noise and connect with your intended market.


Manage your expectations. Think of Pay-Per-Click as betting in a casino, except that instead of winning chips, you win more business. However, unlike a casino, you can do a lot of things to swing the odds in your favor. In brief: as long as you know what you’re doing and as you’re keeping an eye on things, you’re going to be just fine.


Finally, make adjustments. At the end of every campaign, review your stats and see what you can learn from them. Fine-tune your online advertising strategy, and feel free to test things out: maybe a different ad copy or a slightly more focused market segment. You can even study trends across your different ad campaigns over time to see what works (and what doesn’t too).

How to Launch your business online - LOJO Marketing

8 Types of PPC

Search ads

These PPC ads appear at the top and bottom of Google search results and are tagged with the word “ad” to indicate that they are paid content.

The use of relevant keywords, especially long-tail keywords, is the key element of an effective search ad. Furthermore, they filter out weak leads for your business, which in turn keep your cost per click low.

Google Ads determines your placement based on your bid amount and quality score, which is how the search engine rates your advert using click-through rate and relevancy.

Social media ads

Popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest are powerful paid advertising channels as they allow businesses to target users based on their demographics, location, online activities such as “likes” and comments, interests, etc.

Display ads

As its name suggests, this PPC campaign relies on photo and text display—as opposed to just an all-text advert—to reach the target audience. Also, they appear on Google’s partner websites.

Due to the visual nature of display ads, they are a better tool for brand exposure and awareness compared with other types of PPC.

Google shopping ads

These carousel-format ads appear above the main Google search results in which users can see the products, prices, and company name even before they click the website.

Take note that users who are presented with products that include a price are more likely to click on the ads, as suggested by surveys. Nevertheless, additional information such as product star rating and special offers (e.g., free shipping and discount) can further increase the click-through rate.

Gmail promotions

These paid ads look just like your average email, except for the word “ad” and the bolded subject line. Also, they appear at the top of the user’s mailbox to further increase the click-through rate.

Gmail ads target users based on relevant data that includes demographics, online activities, and affinities such as their hobbies, interests, and lifestyle.

Local service ads

While not every business can benefit from this type of PPC because its primary goal is to drive more local leads, service-oriented companies and professionals such as plumbers and electricians who operate within a specific geographical location can particularly benefit from this paid ad.  

Compared to the traditional Google Ads, local service ads carry a more detailed information such as the company’s name, address, contact details, star rating, hours of operation, etc.

Instream ads

These sponsored ads appear before, during, and after watching a YouTube video. In terms of reach, this is the most powerful PPC channel with 2.3 billion users worldwide, plus the fact that 79% of internet users have their own YouTube account.

Remarketing ads

As its name suggests, this type of PPC allows you to re-market, re-target, and re-engage with your audience who has already visited your website but has not made any purchase from your business.

Because the audience has already made contact with your business, thus they tend to be more receptive to your digital marketing campaign, remarketing ads provide a notably high conversion rate.


How Can We Help You Drive Sales with PPC Campaigns?

LOJO can guide you in planning, developing, running, and monitoring your Pay-Per-Click campaigns!

Our team is composed of seasoned digital marketing experts and content creators who have already helped hundreds of clients drive their sales, increase their conversion rates, and improve their brand awareness. 

To help you reach a highly targeted audience without breaking the bank, our Google Adwords-certified team assists you in the selection of long-tail keywords.

A huge chunk of our Pay-Per-Click clients are local businesses in Roseville, Rockling, and the Sacramento area, although over the past several years we have seen a significant growth in the number of clients, here and abroad, that seek our expertise to help them launch their international Google Ads.

Call us so we can discuss your PPC campaigns and other digital marketing strategies to help you drive sales, improve your conversion rates, and boost your brand awareness.

What Pay-Per-Click Plans Do You Offer?

Below is our list of PPC ad management plans. Let’s have a meeting so we can recommend the best package for you based on your business needs, budget, and goals.



* Prices starting at
(PLUS one-time set-up fee of $350)

This starter PPC ad management plan is ideal if you want your campaigns in maintenance mode, or you want to get your feet wet before you dive into more aggressive sponsored ads.



(plus one-time set-up fee of $600)
- Include call tracking -

This plan is popular among SMEs who are familiar with PPC campaigns but need a reputable vendor to handle their paid ads campaign. With this plan, you get to access our expertise and technologies, and at the same time reduce your overhead cost.



(plus one-time set-up fee of $900)

Great for businesses with multiple brands or products, and companies who need aggressive e-commerce operations to compete amidst the crowded market.

A Note on LOJO's Pay-Per-Click Plans

The price does not include the actual ad spends that go directly to the advertising channel or platform. Hence, the actual prices vary depending on these factors:

Our Pay-Per-Click experts will recommend you the best plans depending on your budget, goals, and market reach.

Jump Start Your Lead Generation

With a new Pay-Per-Click campaign you surely can start making the phone ring right away. Just set up a time to talk and let us show you how.